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Lunch & Learn - The New Normal?

  • Online - registrations essential (map)

Our first online Lunch & Learn for 2021 is on the topic of 'The New Normal' where we'll look at how our world has been impacted and changed by COVID19, whether there is a new normal and if so, will it last!?

Joining the panel for this fascinating discussion is:

Dr Josie McLean, systems change specialist, international speaker, author, facilitator and coach, and Change Catalyst at The Partnership

Dr Ariella Helfgott, leading senior researcher in sustainable and equitable futures, CEO of Collaborative Futures

Moira Were AM, gender lens expert, social entrepreneur and innovator, Founder of Hen House Coop, Chooks SA and Co-Founder of Collab4Good

Dr Rathana Peou is an international development consultant and advisory board member with expertise in food security, agriculture and climate change in the ASEAN countries.

This is an online event - please register using this link to receive the zoom link.

March 5

International Women's Day Changemakers Brekkie (SOLD OUT)